DC: Shenmue II (JPN)
GB: Kirby's Dream Land (JPN), Kirby's Pinball Land (JPN), Kirby's Star Stacker (JPN), Rockman World (JPN), Rockman World 2 (JPN), Rockman World 3 (JPN), Rockman World 4 (JPN)
GBA: Shining Force (JPN), Klonoa: Empire of Dreams (JPN)
3DS: Pokemon Sun (JPN)
NES: Kid Dracula (JPN), Ducktales 2 (JPN), Mega Man (JPN), Mega Man 6 (JPN)
SNES: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (JPN), Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (JPN), F-Zero (JPN), Mega Man and Bass (JPN), Gdleen (CIB, JPN), Yoshi's Island (CIB, JPN), Final Fantasy V (CIB, JPN)
N64: Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64 (CIB, JPN)
GC Super Monkey Ball (JPN)
NS: Pokemon Sword + Expansion Pass, Pokken Tournament
PS: Darkstalkers 3, Medievil, Twisted Metal III, Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi
PS4: Diablo III: Eternal Collection, Cities: Skylines: Parklife Edition, Fifa 19
Xbox: Fuzion Frenzy