NES: Mega Man 2 (JPN), Super Mario Bros. 2 (JPN, FDS), Kid Icarus (JPN, FDS), Bomberman (JPN, FDS), Super Mario Bros. + Super Mario Bros. 2 (JPN, FDS)
SNES: Final Fantasy IV (JPN), Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (JPN, Famicom Memory), Final Fantasy V (JPN), Mario's Super Picross (JPN), Final Fantasy VI (JPN, CIB), Earthbound (JPN, CIB), Chrono Trigger (JPN, CIB), Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (JPN, CIB),
N64: Animal Crossing (JPN), Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (JPN), F-Zero X (JPN)
GB: Pokémon Yellow (JPN), Kirby's Dream Land (JPN), Kirby's Dream Land 2 (JPN), Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (JPN)
GBA: Pokémon FireRed (JPN),
DS: Iron Man, Madagascar, Madagascar 3, Impossible Mission
3DS: Pokémon Ultra Sun, LEGO Chima: Laval's Journey, LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids
NS: Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey, Pokkén Tournament
PS: Spyro the Dragon
PS2: Codename Kids Next Door: Operation: VIDEOGAME
PS3: Rock Band 2, LEGO Rock Band
PS4: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection,
PS5: Sonic Frontiers
Xbox: Star Wars: Battlefront II
360: NCAA Football 11, NCAA Football 12
Systems & Accessories: Game Boy Color (Kiwi), Game Boy Advance SP (AGB-001, Platinum, Pearl Blue), Nintendo Gamecube (DOL-001, Black), Xbox One S (white, 500GB, 1TB), Fender Stratocaster Controller for Playstation 3, Rock Band Guitar Kit for Playstation 3