SG: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 DC: Star Wars: Episode I Racer NES: The Legend of Zelda (gold), Super C, Cocoron (JPN Import), Mighty Final Fight (JPN Import) SNES: Saturday Night Slam Masters, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, MLBPA Baseball N64: Mario Golf NS: Assassin's Creed III Remastered, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate GB: Pokemon Red, Pokemon Yellow, Ms. Pac-Man: Special Color Edition, WCW Mayhem, Godzilla: The Series, Super Game Boy (JPN Import) GBA: Warioland 4 PS2: Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero PS4: Enter the Gungeon, Just Cause 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Cyberpunk 2077, Okami HD XBO: Forza Motorsport 5 Systems: Classic SNES, Nintendo DS Lite (Phantom Hourlgass Edition)
Game City Monument